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Zombie Movies | Zmobie Film
Zombi 2
Titel/Title:Også Kendt Som/Also known as:
Også Kendt Som/Also known as:
Denmark: Woodoo - rædslernes grønne ø | UK: Zombie Flesh Eaters
Germany: Woodoo - Die Schreckensinsel der Zombies
Tilladt Over/Allow Ovre:
91 min
: Italy
Et forladt skib driver ind i New York Citys havn. Kystvagten border skibet og finder en zombie ombord. Zombien æder den ene betjent mens den anden, skyder zombien i havnen. Skibet bliver opbragt af havnevæsnet og politiet, som naturligvis ikke fatter et klap af hvad der er sket. Inden længe begiver journalisten Peter West sammen med datteren til ejeren af båden, sig til Caraibien for at finde en løsning på mysteriet. På øen viser det sig at Dr. Menard er igang med at finde en kur mod den sygdom som bringer de døde tilbage til livet. Over hele øen høres voodo-trommerne, men det er kun blodtørstige zombier, som dukker op, og snart omringer de stakkels videnskabsfolk i deres forsøgs-station.
A derelict boat enters New York Harbor. When the Coast Guard boards the ship, they find no crew aboard, just a mess of half-eaten food, body parts, and lots of creepy looking bugs. Just when they think they stand to make a big bonus for bringing the ship into port, a mysterious, blood soaked man appears out of a locked cabin door and attacks and kills one of the officers. The other officer has no choice but to shoot the man, who falls off the boat and into the harbour. These events bring up a lot of questions for local police and newspapers. One periodical sends out their resident British reporter to cover the story. Soon circumstances lead the reporter and the daughter of the man who owned the derelict boat on a search in the Caribbean Islands. They meet up with another couple on vacation who agree to help them search for an elusive island, where the boat’s owner was practising medicine. When they finally find the island, they also find out that the dead are coming back to life on this island, as flesh eating zombies. Now they have to fight their way back to their boat, and off the cursed island.
Elisa Briganti | | | |
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